
Proofreading & editing

Dott. Gabriele Lo Iacono :: Via Veneto 146 - 38122 Trento, Italy :: :: +39.339.6033913


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  Content providing

  Proofreading &
Proofreading and editing of articles and books to be published in Italian or British English.

Revision and stylistic adaptation of texts written by non Italian speaking or non English speaking psychologists.

Our services:

  • spelling and grammar check
  • punctuation check
  • editing according to specific and detailed criteria
  • abbreviations check
  • check of quotes, authors' names, and final bibliography.

We provide also revision and copy editing of English to Italian and Italian to English translations.

On demand, our graphic layout artist can provide a professional layout for publication.

>> Ask for a quote and we will answer you within 24 hours <<
Gabriele Lo Iacono, Steve Pastorello, Riccardo Larini, Roberta Grossi, psicologo, psicologi, revisione, editing, correzione, bozze, trascrizione, colloquio, intervista, reattivo, proiettivo, traduzione, traduci, tradurre, traduttore editoriale, traduzione editoriale, editoria, agenzia di traduzioni, traduttore madrelingua inglese, lingua madre inglese, traduttore inglese, traduzioni dall'inglese, traduzioni verso l’inglese, traduzione da e verso l’inglese, traduttore, traduzioni psicologia, traduzione psicologia, freelance translator, psicologia, psicoterapeuta, psicoterapia, psicoanalisi, neurosocienze, pedagogia, formazione, filosofia, sociologia, psichiatria, counseling, counselling, psicomotricità, riabilitazione, cura, test, psicometria, logopedia, riabilitazione psichiatrica, scienze umane, antropologia, comportamento, emozione, cognizione, brain, mind, clinica, analisi dei dati, metodologia, convegno, congresso, abstract, poster, libri, articolo di ricerca, rassegna, rivista, pubblicazione, progetto di ricerca, laurea, tesi, dottorato, ghostwriting, ghost-translation, En > It, It > En, Eng > ita, Ita > Eng, psychologist, psychologists, text revision, proofreading, editing, draft, transcription, interview, projective, translation, translate, translate, editorial translator, editorial translation, publishing, translation agency, english speaking translator, native english, english mother tongue, english translator, English to Italian, Italian to English, form and to English translation, translator, psychology translation, traduttore freelance, psychology, psychotherapy, psychotherapists, psychoanalysis, neuroscience, education, pedagogy, training, philosophy, sociology, psychiatry, counseling, counselling, psychomotricity, care, recovery, test, psychometry, speech therapy, psichiatric rehabilitation, human sciences, anthropology, behavior, cognition, emotion, cervello, mente, clinic, data analysis, methodology, conference, convention, congress, abstract, poster, book, research paper, paper, review, journal, issue, publication, research project, degree, dissertation, doctoral dissertation,